Sunday, April 26, 2009

Thomas R. Perkins Family

Thomas R. Perkins

Thomas R. Perkins

William Ashford Perkins, eldest son of Thomas R. Perkins

John Henderson Perkins, 4th and youngest son of Thomas R. Perkins

Luther Perkins, son of James Thomas Perkins

Luther Perkins, son of James Thomas Perkins

James Thomas Perkins, 2nd son of Thomas R. Perkins
James Thomas Perkins with family (about 1901):
Willie Walker Terhune (wife)
Luther E. Perkins
Birdie O. Perkins
Hattie O. Perkins
Mary Perkins
Thomas M. Perkins
Margaret M. Perkins
James Earnest Perkins
Wilhemina Perkins
Anna Belle Perkins
(Jennie T. Perkins--not yet born)

Richard Jesse Perkins, 3rd son of Thomas R. Perkins

1 comment:

  1. These are awesome, thanks for posting. I've been working on my family history for the last couple of years and I have Perkins & Terhune lineage. I was just Googling the name "Willie Walker Terhune" and found this page. Aunt Willie was my great-grandmother "Lovie" Terhune Perkins', sister. Since they both married Perkins men, I wonder if/how there husbands were related. Lovie's husband was Marion Breckinridger (Brack/Breck) Perkins. I'd love to trade info and pics with you if you are interested. You can send me a message at if you are interested. Thanks! (Sara Cobb)
