William Ashford Perkins (1854-1935)
obituary clipping for William Ashford Perkins
William's first wife, Susan Ann Perkins (1858-1886)
They had two children: Rollie Marshall Perkins (also seen spelled as Raleigh)
Zeffie Mahala Perkins
Rollie Marshall Perkins
Zeffie Mahala Perkins Masters
with family and visiting father, William Ashford Perkins
William's second wife was Amelia Ann Perkins (1857-1936)
William and Amelia with their sons,
Columbus Richard Perkins and Thomas Jefferson Perkins
William Ashford Perkins Family (about 1896--year Callie was born)
Richmond, Kentucky
back row--Rollie, unknown, Zeffie
front row--William, Columbus, Thomas, Callie, Amelia
Callie Jennie Perkins
Callie Jennie Perkins
back--Callie and Columbus
front--Amelia, Ashford (William Ashford)
Marsing, Idaho